Protecting Seniors From Financial Scams

Protecting Seniors From Financial Scams

Elder financial fraud is a significant and growing problem in today’s society, where older adults are increasingly becoming targets for scammers. These scammers often view seniors as more vulnerable or assume they have accumulated wealth over their lifetime, making them attractive targets.  According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in 2021 alone, there were…

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How to Encourage Physical Activity in Seniors

How to Encourage Physical Activity in Seniors

Related Articles: Encouraging seniors to become physically active can be a daunting task, especially for those who are used to a more sedentary lifestyle. Regular physical activity is vital for seniors, offering extensive benefits that enhance both physical and mental health. Engaging in consistent exercise can lead to improved cardiovascular health, greater mobility, and reduced…

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7 Tips for Helping Your Elderly Parent Downsize

7 Tips for Helping Your Elderly Parent Downsize

Related Articles: Downsizing is an important and often inevitable part of aging. As our parents grow older, simplifying their living situation can reduce the physical strain and improve their quality of life. However, the process of downsizing a home is not just about moving to a smaller space—it’s about transitioning with dignity, preserving cherished memories,…

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Understanding and Preventing Falls Among Seniors

Understanding and Preventing Falls Among Seniors

Related Articles:  Falls among seniors are an important public health issue that demands our attention. Every year, millions of older adults suffer falls, leading to injuries that range from minor bruises to severe fractures and even life-threatening complications. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, falls among adults aged 65 and older caused…

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Fraud Prevention for Older Adults

Fraud Prevention for Older Adults

By Heather Ward, Coordinator of Middlesex County Programs With today’s technology and information sharing websites, fraud is more prevalent than ever. Everyone is susceptible to fraud, but older adults are targeted at greater rates than other ages because fraudsters see them as less tech-savvy and easier to scam. According to the F.B.I., older adults were…

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How to Handle Chronic Pain as a Senior Citizen

How to Handle Chronic Pain as a Senior Citizen

By: Rikki Siegel, Preventionist Chronic pain is an ongoing problem among the senior community. Chronic pain is defined as pain lasting months or years. “It persists beyond a recovery period or occurs alongside a medical condition” ( Diseases that cause chronic pain include diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and cancer. Chronic pain can be caused by…

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Memory Loss – Is This Really Happening?

Memory Loss – Is This Really Happening?

By Jess Kaado, Preventionist I remember the first time I became aware of memory loss as a cognitive health problem. It was 2004 and I was a hopelessly romantic teenager eager to watch one of the year’s biggest films: The Notebook. This movie became a national treasure as arguably one of the most romantic, yet…

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Unique Approaches To Support Loved Ones With Chronic Health Conditions

Unique Approaches To Support Loved Ones With Chronic Health Conditions

By Hazel Bridges, Contributing Writer Living with a chronic health condition can be challenging, both physically and emotionally. As family members or friends, we often seek unique ways to support our loved ones in their journey towards better health. This article from Wellspring Center for Prevention explores some unconventional yet effective methods to support a…

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Navigating Social Isolation and Fostering Well-Being in the Golden Years

Navigating Social Isolation and Fostering Well-Being in the Golden Years

In our golden years, the warmth of social connections is as vital as ever. Yet, many seniors find themselves grappling with social isolation and loneliness, challenges that can significantly impact their quality of life. This phenomenon isn’t just about feeling alone; it’s a health risk that can have profound implications on both mental and physical…

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