At Wellspring Center for Prevention, we provide a variety of training courses for professionals whose missions align with ours.
Our Trainings
We offer online and on-site professional development programs designed for addiction counselors, prevention specialists, and school faculty members through All of our courses count toward requirements for state and national credentials, including Certified or Licensed Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC and LCADC), Certified Prevention Specialist (CPS), and Department of Education professional development hours. All on-site courses are offered in our East Brunswick, New Jersey training facility.
Online Training for Alcohol and Drug Counselors
It is estimated that at least 5,000 new addiction counselors are needed every year to meet the growing demand for professional addiction treatment. Responding to those needs, Wellspring’s online courses are delivered entirely online in an engaging and interactive format—nothing to download and nothing to print.
CADC/LCADC Renewal Courses
While all of Wellspring’s online CADC courses can be taken toward both your initial certification or license, as well as the renewal of those credentials (and many others), By sharing a classroom with other seasoned professionals, you have the opportunity to learn from each other take your skills to the next level. Each year, all new courses are developed to keep your training current and expand your knowledge base.
CPS Courses
Certified Prevention Specialists work in settings as diverse as schools, hospitals, faith-based organizations, government, and non-profit agencies. To be effective, a Prevention Specialist must be skilled in impacting Public Policy, Community Organization, and Program Coordination, as well as Education and Training. Professional Responsibility coursework ensures Prevention Specialists meet the highest standards of the profession.
Awareness Training Courses
Throughout Wellspring’s thirty-five year history, schools have relied upon us to not only provide quality prevention programming for their students but also to keep their faculty up-to-date on the latest trends and how to best support their students. School districts interested in group discounts for their entire faculty should call or email for more information.
Addiction Counselors
According to the United States Department of Labor, employment opportunities for substance abuse counselors are projected to grow 31 percent from 2012 to 2022, much faster than the average for all other occupations.
Online CADC Courses
These courses, developed and designed by experienced social services professionals and have been approved for both initial and renewal hours for multiple credentials. They can be taken 24/7 from any computer with access to the Internet. The courses use the latest training technology for an informative, engaging experience. Once purchased using the safe and secure PayPal, you can start the courses immediately.
- The courses are a low cost, effective alternative to sitting in a classroom.
- Course outlines are available for download and certificates can be printed immediately after passing the post-test.
- Once you log in, you will have 90 days to complete the course and can spread it out over as many sessions as you like.
- Courses are approved for 6 hours of credit, though they will normally only take 2-3 hours to complete due to the online format.
CADC/LCADC Renewal Courses
Wellspring offers advanced courses good for renewal hours towards addiction counselor and other allied behavioral health professional credentials. Each course is designed to provide the most up to date information the seasoned counselor needs to continue their professional development beyond the minimum standards required for initial licensure or certification. Courses are offered in person or via remote access.
Prevention Specialists Courses
The new Job Task Analysis broadens the scope of a Prevention Specialist from focusing strictly on Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD) to encompassing aspects of mental, emotional, and behavioral health. Prevention Specialists work in settings as diverse as schools, hospitals, faith-based organizations, government, and non-profit agencies. To be effective, a Prevention Specialist must be skilled in impacting Public Policy, Community Organization, and Program Coordination, as well as Education and Training. Professional Responsibility coursework ensures Prevention Specialists meet the highest standards of the profession.
Prevention Specialists are experts in Planning and Evaluation, Prevention Education and Service Delivery, Communication, Community Organization, Public Policy and Environmental Change. They are employed in schools, by non-profits, in government, and through faith-based organizations.
Prevention professionals work to educate children, families and communities about the dangers of alcohol and other drugs. They also help children develop the life skills they’ll need to avoid destructive behaviors that can lead to problems. They help families learn how to communicate better, and they give parents the skills they need to raise healthy children who make smart choices.
Evidence-based programs facilitated by prevention specialists have been demonstrated to reduce youth alcohol use by 18%, marijuana use by 15%, other drugs 10%, and tobacco 7%.
Professional Development

Wellspring currently offers nine awareness courses for education professionals covering a variety of real, critical, and potentially life-threatening or life-altering issues.
Wellspring’s eLearning courses in Professional Development Training are designed to bring awareness to faculty, school administrators, and other healthcare professionals. All courses are continuously brought up-to-date to reflect the latest updates, trends and Department of Education and legislative mandates. Additionally, all course tests were updated to multiple choice to better evaluate participant knowledge
- All courses earn one (1) CEUs. To meet State requirements on Youth Suicide, both courses must be taken.
- Each course provides current facts and figures to illustrate the severity of the topic at hand.
- Practical guides are provided to help educators recognize the signs and symptoms of each issue.
- Policies and procedures governed by New Jersey statutes and administrative code are discussed.
By taking these courses and understanding the information contained in them, educators and school administrators will take a huge step toward providing a healthy school environment for all their students. Information in these training courses is presented so that the reader can progress through the course at his or her own pace. Course navigation tools are provided that allow the reader to easily go back to any part of the course and review any information. Quizzes ensure accurate understanding of the information. Completion of the quizzes is tracked for administrators, but specific quiz scores are not reported.