adults in meeting room doing a team-building activity
Jan 17
Friday, January 17, 2025 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Zoom

Instructor: Derrick Watkins

Description: This workshop will address the myths and facts about cannabis in the community and explore how treatment providers can help others manage their use when it becomes too overwhelming.

Important notes:

Purchase Order or check are NOT accepted.
All classes are held virtually via Zoom. Log-in information will be shared in advance of each class.

Cancellation & Refund Policy

Each class starts promptly at 9AM.

Wellspring’s Recert courses are approved for six (6) initial and renewal hours towards Certified/Licensed Alcohol and Drug credentials (CADC/LCADC) issued by the Addictions Professionals Certification Board of New Jersey (APCBNJ) (Provider #208)

Photo by Matheus Bertelli